Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mrs.Rita, Mrs. Shauna, and a Puppet Reader's Theater!

Mrs. Rita Abel came into the classroom to talk to the students about importance of nutrition and exercise. 
Mrs. Abel talks about the different food groups.

Student try to balance the ball on their heads.

Students stretch with Mrs. Abel.
 The students had their 1st Art Class with Mrs. Shauna Lee this year. 
Shauna tells the students about the project they will be working on...

Olivia, Alianna, and Maycie start their wash for the background.

Dakota, Aiden, and Carsen start their project.

Rylee and Emma work on the grass in their picture.

Success! Everyone's picture turned out great!

Emma's Picture: falling leaves and a bird!
Rylee and Olivia went to Kindergarten to perform, I Broke My Trunk!
Rylee is Gerald and Olivia is Piggie!

The kinders were REALLY engaged!

Olivia and Rylee did an awesome job!

Week 8: Instant Challenge 2, Our Senses, Reading, and Fun!

Students participated in their 2nd Instant Challenge. Their challenge was to create cantilever using only 2 feet of tape, 10 pieces of paper, and paperclips. This proved to be super-duper challenging. However, during this challenge I saw more students working together than the 1st Instant Challenge.

Students listen to the challenge.

Carsen and Aiden with their cantilever.

Tone and Sawyer with their cantilever.

Dakota and Maycie with their cantilever.

Olivia and Emma with their cantilever.

The students have been learning about their senses. So I did a little experiment with them. I took away their sense of sight. I made them focus on their other senses to identify the yummy food I was offering them. Students quickly noticed how their sense of smell seemed to be better.

 Readers Theater Performances were so much fun! The students performed I AM A Frog!

Aiden and Emma were excited to perform for their siblings in 3rd grade. I played the other part in the other 2 performances so I was unable to get a picture. Carsen and I performed for Kindergarten. The kinder students were so engaged by Carsen. He did a fabulous job. Then Rylee and I performed in Second Grade. Rylee did a great job.

Aiden and Emma perform for the Third Graders.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 7: Elephant & Piggie, Readers Theater, Races, and More!

The students are still enjoying Elephant & Piggie books. They look forward to a new book each day. 

Students used Mo Willem's Elephant & Piggie books for ideas in their own writings.

Aiden wrote about a time he was sad.
Tiana wrote about what she likes to pretend to be.

Olivia wrote about her favorite birthday party.

 Students spent all week practicing the Elephant & Piggie book, I Am Going script. Some students performed the the readers theater for the K, 2nd, and 3rd grade class. I had to recruit an older student, my daughter, because we had lots of Piggies but not enough Geralds. 

Kinder performance: Emma and Claire
2nd Grade performance: Maycie and Tone
3rd Grade performance: Alianna and Sawyer

Tanacross Cross Country Race
2 Tok 1st Graders Placed!
Ist Place: Carsten
3rd Place: Sawyer

The Kinder and First grade students line up on the starting line.

The First Grade students have just finished a Science Unit on animal classification. They had been learning about mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. In the pictures below students are working as a team to sort pictures of animals into the appropriate groups.